Investors services

We offer a suite of services tailored for investors. Our goal is to provide you with easy-to-use, efficient tools to manage and enhance your investments

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Stock transfer

With this service, whether you're an owner or a shareholder, you can seamlessly transfer shares and execute the exit process digitally. This user-friendly platform enables you to conveniently sell or relinquish your shares, streamlining what can often be a complex and time-consuming process. The digital nature of the service ensures a secure, efficient, and transparent transaction, saving you both time and effort.

Ownership Certificate

Easily issue your ownership certificate, providing you with official documentation of your investment stakes.

Participation in associations

Take an active role in your investments. Attend assemblies, cast your votes, and participate in discussions to influence the direction of your invested companies.

Communication portal

Stay informed about your investee companies. Our communication portal provides you with up-to-the-minute information, helping you make well-informed investment decisions.

Investment Portfolio

Gain a comprehensive view of your portfolio, including all the companies you have contributed to. Our platform makes it easy to monitor your investments and track their performance.

our clients say

إبانه هي بيت المستثمرين لكل شركة، تدير العلاقات معهم بطريقة احترافية وتعاملهم بلغة الصديق

حمود الغصن مؤسس تطبيق مستر مندوب

سعداء بشراكتنا مع شركة إبانة وعلى الخدمات التي يقدمونها وفريق العمل الإحترافي، الأمر الذي جعل عملية التواصل مع المساهمين والإهتمام باستفساراتهم عمل متقن ويدار بكل مهنية واحترافية عالية

د.عبدالرحمن الشيخيمؤسس تطبيق رحلة
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