Board meetings

Streamline the process of conducting Board meetings. Our fully digital approach makes everything from establishing associations to collecting signatures effortless. Save time and improve efficiency and transparency in your corporate governance.

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Conducting Board Meetings

Organize and manage your Board Meetings with precision and ease. Our digital platform is designed to facilitate all types of board meetings, from regular sessions to emergency gatherings. The interface is intuitive, allowing for straightforward scheduling, agenda setting, and document distribution.

Board Meeting Invitation

Efficiently send personalized board meeting invitations to all members of the board, no matter the size of your organization. Use our system to dispatch invitations electronically through SMS, ensuring timely delivery and quick confirmations.

Online Voting for Board Resolutions

Our online voting feature streamlines the resolution process during board meetings. Enable board members to cast their votes on critical motions with just a few clicks. Our service ensures that the voting process is not only easy and efficient but also records results in real-time for immediate viewing and analysis.

Secure Document Access and Sharing

Provide board members with secure access to necessary legal and confidential documents in preparation for board discussions. Financial reports, corporate strategies, meeting minutes from previous sessions, and more can be shared and stored securely, complete with digital water signatures for enhanced security measures

Board Meeting Management

Run your board meetings smoothly with our comprehensive meeting management tools. Display presentations and documents professionally on screen, manage the speaking order, and use our system to verify the identity of attending members, ensuring that only authorized individuals can participate and contribute.

Post-Meeting Report

Automate the creation of post-meeting reports and documentation. Immediately after your board meeting concludes, our platform can generate detailed attendance lists, recorded votes, resolutions passed, action items, and official minutes, all formatted for compliance and record-keeping.

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